I am a consultant nephrologist specialising in the treatment of patients with medical kidney problems. I see patients with a wide spectrum of medical disorders from abnormalities in the urine or biochemical abnormalities in the blood tests to complex multi-system illnesses like vasculitis. I treat patients with all stages of chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury.
I studied medicine at St Mary's Hospital Medical School (now part of Imperial College, London) qualifying as a doctor in 2001. I worked at St Mary's Hospital, The Royal Brompton Hospital and Chelsea & Westminster Hospital before joining the prestigious North Thames Nephrology training rotation as a Specialist Registrar. I trained in nephrology, transplantation and general medicine at The Hammersmith Hospital, The Lister Hospital, The Hillingdon Hospital and Southend University Hospital. During my training I also gained a Master's degree in Law.
I undertook research training at Imperial College, London (Based at The Hammersmith Hospital) on transplant immunology and I was awarded a doctorate in 2014.
I was appointed as consultant nephrologist with a specialist interest in transplantation in East & North Hertfordshire in 2012, I was previously the joint clinical lead for transplantation and was also the clinical lead for nephrology at St Albans City Hospital.
In 2016 I was appointed an honorary consultant nephrologist at Addenbrooke's Hospital (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) undertaking a weekly transplant clinic.